The activists are at it again!

The activists are at it again! Alexandra Morton has once again spun a story using dated information to discredit hard working scientists and federal and provincial politicians. Her recent attack on our business fails to demonstrate any current environmental relevance and is a ploy for political gain only.

After successful internal testing, we agreed to supply treated and untreated effluent to DFO to assist the Ministry with a pilot project to explore alternate testing methods. Historically, the globally accepted testing method, which is PCR analysis, does not provide a determination if any given virus is infective or dead. These testing methods simply show presence or absence at a molecular level. We believed that the laboratory analysis and potential new testing methods would provide excellent feedback for our new and developing water treatment technology.

Prior to the trial being abandoned we were pleased with the results as they indicated that our treatment system was increasingly effective at reducing the presence of a virus, that is endemic in our ocean.

Here are the facts.

·       This was a pilot project trial to create testing methodology. Fish were injected with the treated and untreated effluent and/or immersed in effluent and then tested. These testing processes are obviously not a reflection of receiving environment conditions

·       The end of our effluent pipe is not a safe injection site! Nor is it a 5-star spa where all species of fish congregate immersed in treated effluent

·       The blood plume picture is from 2017. Activists, some academia, and media elect not to use recent images as it projects the truth and advancement in technology (see recent sampling photo above. Also, click here for a recent video taken at top of pipe)

·       Our wastewater treatment system, installed in 2018 and 2019, and enhanced since, meets, or exceed Ministry of Environment permit standards. The permit process recreated by the provincial MOE is extensive and robust

·       To suggest that Minister Heyman and his Ministry have not done enough, is simply an attack on true environmental performance standards

·       Many of Browns Bay Packing’s permit parameters are significantly more stringent than any provincially licensed processing plant, wild or farmed.

·       Brown’s Bay’s waste water treatment system has expanded on best available technology; continues to be enhanced and is proving to be the gold medal standard for effluent treatment coast wide. Period!

Our company made a commitment in 2017 to set a new achievable standard for wastewater effluent from fish processing facilities. We have embraced the role we have played and developed technology that can be scaled and applied anywhere on our coast.  

As it relates to our company and effluent, as we have consistently done for the past few years, we will provide updates to what is truly a success story. We will continue to address activism with science and technology. We remain fiercely passionate about wild salmon; We have an unwavering commitment to our community and neighbours; And will defend ourselves relentlessly from activist’s lies, deception, and bullshit.
